Travel Essentials to Carry During COVID-19 Pandemic

Reena Roy
2 min readSep 9, 2020

Travelling is surely the perfect escape from our daily monotonous lives. But since the COVID-19 pandemic has locked all of us in our homes, thinking of holidaying far away in the mountains or to a beautiful city has become a dream for many. With the ease in lockdown restrictions in the last month, many people have again started planning their holidays, but with a lot of precautions. Most of them are preferring their own conveyance instead of public transport to reduce the risk of catching an infection. However, travelling by your own car also requires some important precautions that must be taken. To make your trip safe, here we have listed down the travel essentials that you must carry if you are planning to travel during the current pandemic:

Hand Sanitizers: Alcohol-based hand sanitizers are very effective in killing almost all types of germs. So when you are travelling and do not have water readily available to wash your hands, hand sanitizers are the best option to save yourself from potential infection. According to WHO, they are an excellent substitute if one scrubs hands with them for at least 20 seconds. When you are carrying them with you in the car, make sure you keep them away from direct sunlight as sanitizers contain a good amount of alcohol and can catch fire when exposed to sunlight.

Surface Disinfectant:
This is another must-have essential to carry when travelling these days. Purchase a good quality surface disinfectant and before you get into the car, clean the door handles using it. Once you get inside the car, also sanitize other surfaces like the handbrake, steering wheel, dashboard, and gear lever with the disinfectant. Carry it with you and use it on any other spot that you feel could have infectious droplets.

Face Masks: We all know how important it is to wear face masks these days, but if you are making a travel plan, it is highly recommended that you wear a face mask as it can be a life savior. A face mask will ensure that you breathe fresh air, free from any virus or bacteria. Doctors recommend carrying a few extra face masks, especially when going on a 2–3 day trip.

Disposable Gloves: Carrying a few pairs of gloves is also recommended as they will give you extra protection from contracting the virus. Disposable nitrile gloves are considered to be the best and help in maintaining a safe environment. Once used, make sure you dump them at a proper place so that they don’t pose a threat to other people.

You must carefully pack all these essentials in a light-weight travel bag. If you are travelling with 5–6 people, put a luggage tag on your bag so that it is easy to spot. You can add an extra personalized touch to the bag by going for a personalized leather travel tag that can easily be purchased from places like Initial Studio.

The current pandemic has redefined how we travel. Do carry the above essentials to minimize exposure to the disease and have a safe trip.



Reena Roy

Hi, I am a freelance writer and blogger.