Things To Keep In Mind While Going Out To Malls

Reena Roy
2 min readJul 28, 2020

The sudden outbreak of the pandemic has nearly blocked all our sources to connect to the outer world in person. The decision of the government to go back to normalcy, like opening of malls and restaurants has raised the concern of people while visiting malls and other public places for that matter. As wisely said, “Prevention is better than cure” it all over becomes the utmost responsibility to follow certain preventive measures, some of which are highlighted here:

No Mask no Mall

One of the most essential equipment during this period is the mask. It has been repeatedly advised to wear a mask while outdoors, so put on a mask while leaving home and keep it attached even at the mall. Cover your mouth and nose properly to avoid transmission of the virus at any cost.

Carry Hand Sanitisers

The propensity of the virus to spread to a host body within no time is a real concern. Although the government has ensured extreme sanitation, it isn’t really safe to touch anything and everything. Despite the sanitation counters within the mall, it is better to carry your own personal sanitizer as it easily slides into your pocket. Sanitize your hands at each level be it entering a mall or while returning home. Even before eating the best burgers and fries in Saket Select Citywalk, sanitize your hands properly.

Do not touch Unnecessary Surfaces

Knowing how the virus can spread, it is important to note while visiting public places to avoid touching any surface unless it is required. It is better not to use the washroom or hold on to ralis or even touching the elevator buttons. Keeping a pair of gloves would really serve the purpose and prevent unnecessary contacts.

Avoid Unnecessary Gathering

With the opening of the malls, there will be an increase in the number of people visiting it. Malls are likely to be filled with people but it is necessary to keep yourself away from any gathering. Follow the directives set up by WHO and maintain proper social distancing.

Chose a Safe Mode of Travel

Make sure the mode of transportation you have chosen is safe. Although the government has directed to restart the transport services, try to avoid the use of public transportation. Even if you are using, keep your distance from coming in contact with others and sanitize your hands properly.

Carry Disposable Tissues

Disposable tissues come quite handy anytime while you are heading out. It is better to carry a box of tissues along with you as tissues can be used to touch surfaces, door handles or any other unavoidable surfaces.

The pandemic has taken the world by storm, claiming lives and infecting people all across the globe. At a time when the world is teeming with uncertainties, it is important for us to take responsibility for ourselves. Although it is advised to stay at home, if you have to go out, make sure you follow the above-mentioned points to ensure your own safety.



Reena Roy

Hi, I am a freelance writer and blogger.