Bid-Away Stress To Have A Beauty Sleep With These Ayurvedic Remedies

Reena Roy
2 min readSep 7, 2020

Ayurveda or ‘the science of life’ propagates aligning your routine with the rhythm of the nature. Diet, sleep and self-mastery form the three pillars on which you can build your health and longevity of life. The secret behind the long lives of our great grandparents also rationales to this philosophy.

Sleep is a vital element of our daily routine. It is the time when our body heals and repairs itself. The body also balances emotions and fosters positivity while we sleep. Therefore, it is integral for a human body to experience tranquil sleep for rejuvenation.

Off-lately, many people are complaining about having trouble sleeping as their routines have gone for a toss due to Covid-19 chaos and women are the worst affected by it. Due to lack of daily physical activity, some people are finding themselves being engulfed by the pool of negativity that they do not know how to handle.

Well, in this situation, instead of relying on sleeping pills, you can cure yourself by inculcating Ayurvedic bedtime habits.

If we go by the methods of ancient Ayurveda, sleeping before 10:00 pm is essential. After the sun set, the solar energy is still retained in the atmosphere until midnight. Sleeping during this time period contributes towards nourishment and restoration of bodily functions. Heat is generated in the body and burns up ama or toxins that may have generated during the day.

Taking Ayurvedic spa or mud-baths in one of the beauty salon in Saket is also a good idea as parlors are also open now.

Another trick you can apply is having a proper skincare regime is also important. Massage your temples and naval with ghee for a calming effect. It also hydrates the skin by balancing the dry components of Vata. Our feet and scalp have over 7000 nerve endings. Massage them with cold pressed coconut oil to loosen the entire body.

Before bedtime, Ayurveda prescribes music therapy. Different ragas are composed keeping in mind different times of the day in which Vata, Pita and Kapha Dosha dominate. Performing or listening to a raga at the prescribed time greatly affects the health of human beings. Ragas that are recommended during the nighttime work to soothe, heal and nourish the body during sleep.
You can alternatively practice nostril breathing. Sit straight on your bed, close your eyes, close your right nostril and inhale through the left. Then close your left nostril and slowly exhale through the right.

Lastly, breathe your favorite essential oils through the night by putting a few drops on your wrist or pillowcase. Ayurvedic products like rose and jasmine oils soothe the body and mind, and encourage sleep.



Reena Roy

Hi, I am a freelance writer and blogger.